Brought my wifes Telly for a recal, and briefly mentioned that forbthe past couple of months the "A" logo was flashing...
When I went to pick the car up. The service agent explained that the flickering "A" was due to the wires being chewed up!! Probably raccoons, squirrels... theh get in through a small hole under the engine bay.
To fix this issue its gonna cost 2000$$!!! Just in the Parts!!!
Look at the claw Mark's on the fender
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When I went to pick the car up. The service agent explained that the flickering "A" was due to the wires being chewed up!! Probably raccoons, squirrels... theh get in through a small hole under the engine bay.
To fix this issue its gonna cost 2000$$!!! Just in the Parts!!!
Look at the claw Mark's on the fender

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